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Who is our Loving God?

Writer: Silke StahrSilke Stahr

The infinity of Love
The infinity of Love

What is unconditional love?

There is a question many of us on earth ask ourselves. No matter which culture or religion, we all tend to ask the same question. Who created us?

There are many ways to describe the answer. But the human language can limit our minds in comprehending it. Striving to understand it better, we tend to use imageries and analogies, so that we can grasp the entirety of it all.

I was raised to believe that we were created in the image of our loving god. But as I grew older I started to search for more answers about my existence. Fortunately, my spirit friends were able to help me find and understand the answer. And so, the best way I can explain it is the following: Don’t see yourself as a disconnected puzzle piece within many puzzle pieces. Instead, try to find yourself as a part of an entire picture. An image, in which you are connected within to everything that surrounds you. A masterpiece that would be incomplete without you.

Someone very special to me has helped in teaching me the answer. I hope you will be able to understand it too and be as fulfilled by it, as I was.

What is unconditional love?

Humans come to earth to forget who they are, and in doing that, to get to know themselves better. We know that this lesson they choose to accomplish and to learn is rather a tough and lonesome one. Because in forgetting who you are, you forget your connection to all that is. Which is the answer many of you are searching for.

You tend to search in different scriptures, religions, and history, trying to find your connection to your Creator. But the problem is, you always search for something else to find you, instead of finding yourself in All That Is. Such as in texts, in religious scriptures, you tend to see God, the Creator or All That Is, as something superior to yourself instead of something that is you because you are part of it, and made by it. It made you with all its love. Because that is what you are. You are the loving Creation. And everything that surrounds you and everything you see and you are is the Loving Creation. And by being that, you are connected to everything.

Because in being made of the same as the creator, you and it are one. Since everything that surrounds you is being made by creation, you and everything around you are also one. So every time you look around yourself and you perceive the world around you, see it as more of a reflection of who you are and who you are to All That Is.

Because the Loving Creation is unconditional love and everything there is.

So in your search, while being on earth, understand that there is nothing you have to search for out there because everything you need is in you. All you’ve ever searched for on the outside is actually within you. In understanding that, you will see that you are divine in your own way because you are the loving energy that made you. That is why there is no need to feel unworthy. There is no need to feel alone. Because you are never alone. You are always surrounded by everything you are made of. And you are always connected to everything that exists. And in understanding that you are part of the Loving Creation, you will see that there is no reason to feel unworthy, because it created you, since it needs you, and it loves you. And you are a special light, a unique perspective of the divine creation because your existence is a unique point of view and experience of All That Is.

So rejoice, because all these years on earth you have never been alone and you never will be. You are always worthy of what you are because there’s no other way to it. All these years you have always been loved. The only thing that changed is that you forgot about it. But that is why you are on earth. To understand that you are connected, to learn that you are loved and that you have never been abandoned. And so, try to live life in joy, with that love that surrounds you.

Because all that love is you.

I wish you all the best.

With all my love,


By Silke



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