Bridge To The Unknown - Connecting with Spirits
There is a bridge in all of us. One that many of us have forgotten about, and yet it’s still there. I call it the bridge to the unknown because it leads us to something so much grander than our physical world. Connecting us to an infinite source of knowledge. You can call it the spirit world, the divine, or the source. But something is stopping us in our daily lives, dominating us. And that is fear. Deep down we are afraid of being unworthy from which our protective personality wants to justify or defend us. But by doing so, we are too much stuck in the past or jumping into the future instead of living in the now.
Since I’m always interested in getting to know the other side of the bridge, I have asked my good spirit friend Isalia, if she could give me her opinion from her point of view:
“There is a misunderstanding that a lot of humans often believe in. To start, most mediums don’t necessarily hear voices with their ears. I’m not saying that doesn’t happen at all, but they predominantly hear the spiritual world with their thoughts. Now you might be thinking, how do they know that those thoughts are not their own? How to distinguish between the thoughts coming from your physical consciousness, the ones from your higher self and the ones coming from other spirits? That is a question even a lot of novice mediums ask themselves.
In the end, it’s a matter of getting to know yourself and living in the moment.
It’s about becoming more aware, knowing yourself and feeling with your heart where which thought comes from. You have to understand, that a lot of humans actually can hear us from the spiritual world, but they don’t realise it because many times those thoughts end up being mixed and intertwined with other thoughts they usually have. As a result, they don’t pick up on them, which is why those external thoughts don’t stand out usually.
Most thoughts you think are there because you are afraid of the unknown and of what lies ahead.
You try to defend yourself from something you assume could happen, fearing what the past has caused or what the future holds instead of embracing it. Of course, it’s good to digest certain information and events, but you tend to overthink a lot. Once you begin clearing those thoughts out, let go and trust that everything will come for your best. You will start getting to know yourself better and have a clearer state of mind. As a result, you will hear us better.
Because we are always there, talking to you and helping you as well as we can. And once you start understanding that, you will also see that you were always able to connect with spirits. The only one who changed is you.
So try thinking about that a bit more and get to know yourself as much as you can. And in doing so, you will understand that you are clairvoyant and that all of you can connect with us. It’s just a matter of believing more and understanding that it is possible. Because, as spirits, talking telepathically is the norm. And although you are living in the physical realm, you are all spirits living a spiritual experience. So that ability is something you are all used to. You have only forgotten about it. But the more you start understanding that, the more you will remember and believe that you can really do it.”
In my own experience, I can only agree with that. There is so much that we are worrying about, without even noticing. For example, for me, it was trying to fit in, afraid that others might find me odd or too different. Especially once I started to experience more about the spiritual world. But we all have our burdens we choose to carry. In the end, it’s a matter of knowing what we want and whether that fulfils us. But to know that, we have to decide if we want to believe in what others want us to believe or in our true selves.
Until next time.
With much love,